SkinMedica Authorized Retailers: How can I avoid counterfeit skin care products
Counterfeit goods are becoming more and more discreet. How do you know if the products you are buying are legitimate? Counterfeiters are highly skilled at copying products and it can be almost impossible to distinguish real from fake. Knockoffs are all over the place, so it is vital that you know where your product is coming from and that it is the genuine product.

We all want to find the best deal, which makes resisting certain products and prices almost impossible. It is easy to be looking online for skin-care products and want to find the least expensive option, but that can be a recipe for disaster, especially since online shopping is becoming more and more popular.
Buying a knockoff purse on accident is not ideal, but it’s not going to physically put you at risk. Buying and using counterfeit skin care products can be harmful to your health (and a waste of money!). The products may be expired or contaminated, old bottles could be filled with something other than what the label says, or the product could be diluted. Counterfeiters are not held to any standards, therefore there is no regulation on what they are selling or making. There have been findings of arsenic, mercury, lead, urine, rat feces, and cyanide in these counterfeits leading to a multitude of side effects. These include poisoning, rashes, irritation, acne breakouts, and everything you are trying to avoid with buying these skin care products in the first place! You don’t want to buy a retinol to fight acne only to have it produce more acne!
How can you avoid buying counterfeit products?
The first step is to buy ONLY from authorized resellers or directly from the company itself. You may find a better deal elsewhere, but most likely it will be a waste of money and not the product you want. A lot of skin care companies have a list on their website of authorized or unauthorized retailers. SkinMedica has a list of unauthorized retailers, which includes places like Walmart and eBay, so be sure to check that before purchasing from any website! Never assume that just because Walmart or another big name is selling it that it’s legitimate. They are just as susceptible to buying counterfeit products as we are!
Another sign of authenticity is the price. If you find a deal that seems too good to be true, it probably is. The price is often a good tell on whether the product is authentic or not. Make sure it is priced normally or within a reasonable range of the normal selling price.
Checking the branding on the product can also prevent you from buying a counterfeit product. Looking for slight differences, misspellings, or different fonts or colors can help in deciphering if its authentic or not.
The bottom line is to be sure to verify that what you are buying is authentic and authorized. It’s not worth the potentially saved money to put your health at risk.
Cunningham Clinic is an authorized reseller of all SkinMedica products and we will stand behind the product 100%. We work very closely with SkinMedica to ensure your complete satisfaction with each purchase. You can be confident that each purchase is genuine and comes from the manufacturer.

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